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Prehibernation Week

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Airdate:May 5, 2001
Season: 2
Prod. Number: 27a
Air Number: 33a
Paired With:Life of Crime
Directors:Aaron Springer (storyboard), Edgar Larrazabal (animation), Derek Drymon (creative)
Writers:Aaron Springer, C.H. Greenblatt, Merriwether Williams
Plot:Before she goes into hibernation, Sandy wants to fit in as much activity as she can.
On Video:
The First 100 Episodes

Random Quotes (View Transcript)
"I can't rake any faster. These are big leaves! And they keep breaking into more leaves! Then go scrape the salt lick or somethin'! We got to get this stuff done before it's too late! What's the big rush anyway, Sandy?"

"This is a load of barnacles."
-Fish #7